Thursday, April 2, 2020

Angels life online

Angels life online

These are just somethings I’d figure I’d share about myself. I’m a very introvert kind of person but I also like to have my group of friends that I can be extrovert with. And although I’m a very to myself kind of guy I like to do a lot , weather its with people or by myself because you know , you only have one life so why not live it ? More about me is that I have a love/hate relationship with nature because I love the outside but also rather be inside hahahaha. I don’t know if that made sense but it is what it is. Another thing about myself I’d like to share is that I am a family guy I love being with and around my family although they do tend to get on my last nerves they all got my heart. And also I love to listening to music because I find comfort in it. Im also like 15% of a sneaker head But not Fully there yet. And last but not least as many of you may know I came from from Las Vegas ,NV I was practically born and raised there but I did end up moving to Florida with my mom and now we are stuck in quarantine :).


  1. Firstly wanted to say I always wanted to go to Vegas and hoping your enjoying your stay in Florida. I can relate so much with family because they will always be there for you at the end of the day.

  2. Vegas bro thats crazy i want to visit there one day it seems super fun. Im also a sneaker head somewhat as well.

  3. That’s cool that you’re a sneaker head, how many shoes do you think you own? And it sucks that as soon as you move to Florida we gotta be quarantined, hope it gets better so you can go explore:).

    1. Haha it’s okay once this is over I’ll give him a tour ;)

  4. What kind of music do you like? Wow didn't know you come from las Vegas, interesting.
